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By Nova M Bajamonti For Dailymail.Com

19:22 14 Mar 2024, updated 19:32 14 Mar 2024

  • The unnamed man, from the US, took to Reddit’s Am I The A**hole thread 
  • He explained that his mother and his bride-to-be had never seen eye-to-eye
  • But the groom was left furious when his wife ‘decided to f**k with’ his mother

A groom has slammed his ‘mean girl’ wife after she pranked his mom on their wedding day by using hideous orange makeup. 

The unnamed man, believed to be from the US, took to Reddit‘s Am I The A**hole thread to ask if he was in the wrong for ‘expressing discomfort about my wife and her friends pranking my mom on our wedding day.’

He explained that his mother and his bride-to-be had never really seen eye-to-eye and that the couple ‘avoid’ her for the most part.

But the groom was left furious when he found out that his wife had ‘decided to f**k with’ his mom on their wedding day by ruining her makeup.

An unnamed man, believed to be from the US, took to Reddit ‘s Am I The A**hole thread to ask if he was in the wrong for ‘expressing discomfort about my wife  pranking my mom’

The groom began: ‘My mom hasn’t been the greatest in the past. She can be really rude and was catty. 

‘She didn’t get off to a good start with my wife due to her own rude and self centered behavior, but I took my wife’s side and laid down boundaries. 

‘My mom gets that she can’t be rude these days. I fully get my wife will never like her, mom probably won’t like her either, and we all just avoid each other for the most part. 

‘Don’t get me wrong. It makes me sad as I used to be close to my family, but [my] wife comes first.’

He continued that the couple’s wedding was ‘nearly a perfect day’ apart from one minor issue that spilled into a family feud.

‘My mom had a fairly large, very noticeable food coloring stain on her cheek. Obviously she wasn’t happy about this and wanted it covered,’ the groom explained.

Elaborating further in the comments, he dished that the food dye mark came from getting cake smeared on her face by her husband during his birthday party that had taken place during the rehearsal dinner. 

‘She never does her own makeup and knows very little about makeup. The makeup artist was a friend of my wife’s, and knew all the drama about my mom,’ the groom continued.

The groom was left furious when he found out that his wife had ‘decided to f**k with’ his mom on their wedding day by ruining her makeup (stock image)

‘She told her she would try but the makeup would have to be darker to hide it. She and my wife giggled ahead of time and decided to f**k with her.’

The disgruntled groom said that the scheming duo made the makeup ‘super dark and orange.’

My mom has fair skin so it looked ridiculous. My mom seemed to believe her that nothing lighter would cover it and just removed all the makeup and went on with her big pink blotch.’

The man said that he had initially forgotten about the incident until his new wife had been showing friends their wedding pictures after the pair returned from honeymoon.

Her friends all began laughing about what they did to my mom. This was the first time I heard about it and I said that was kind of mean girlish. My wife gave me a look. 

‘Her friends kept saying it was funny and my mom is dumb and got what she deserved. At this point I got annoyed and said they acted like middle school bullies and they should be embarrassed.

‘Whatever my mom had done in the past, she was not the problem on the wedding day. 

‘This might be way too far, but I said at least she laughed it off and moved on with her spot. They would have spent the whole day insecure and worried about Instagram.’

He concluded: ‘When they left my wife became very upset and said I should be on her side 100 per cent not 95 per cent and that I humiliated her by speaking to her friends like that. She accused me of being a mama’s boy.’

Elsewhere, the Reddit user ended up cutting ties with his mother and family. 

The user took to the comments and provided more context: ‘I had the perfect childhood. That doesn’t just disappear over night. I miss them everyday and I still can’t believe this happened. 

The post was quickly flooded with comments as most readers appeared to be on the groom’s side – branding him NTA (Not The A**hole)

‘I don’t like what my wife did, but my mom will not be around my grandkids if she can’t respect their mother. She has been informed and said, ‘ok,’ and maybe she’ll get grandkids from my sisters.’

He continued: ‘This is the most gut-wrenching, soul-sucking thing I’ve ever been [through] – to just have a family one minute and now I can’t talk to them.

‘That isn’t as easy as Reddit wants people to believe and if it does happen, it has to be when I’m ready. Even my wife admits she couldn’t do it in my shoes.’

The post was quickly flooded with comments as most readers appeared to be on the groom’s side – branding him NTA (Not The A**hole).

One person wrote: ‘NTA. You were correct. Your wife was acting like a middle school bully, not an adult. And being her husband does not mean you support her blindly – it means you have the courage to tell her when she is going down a bad path.  

‘This is not being a mama’s boy – this is being a good and moral human being. If she wants you to be behind her 100 per cent, then she needs to act like a grown-up.’

Another person said: ‘NTA. What your wife did was cruel and came from an ugly place. It was beyond unkind. It was downright mean. You spoke the truth and your wife didn’t like how she looked when you held up the mirror.’

A third person commented: ‘That wasn’t a prank – it was an extremely cruel act. Standing up for your mom doesn’t make you a mommy’s boy. Tbh, I find her behavior worrying and wonder what else she could do.’

Someone else added: ‘NTA. Your wife sure is one though. If there’s already a difficult relationship then what she did just made it worse and giggling about it with her friends at dinner just makes it worse. She is a bully.’

‘NTA. But the fact that your wife tried to humiliate your mother makes me wonder how much your wife is responsible for the bad blood between them both,’ another wrote.

One person simply said: ‘NTA. Your wife may not get along with your mother but what she did was cruel and uncalled for. What a nasty mean girl!’

But others disagreed and did believe the husband was in the wrong – particularly after reading his additional comments

Another person added: ‘NTA. Your wife isn’t willing to let things die down, despite your mother trying. This is classic schoolyard bullying antics. Your wife needs to grow up.’

But others disagreed and did believe the husband was in the wrong.

One person wrote: ‘Edit: YTA, based on your comments. Original: NTA but you married your mother. I can guarantee your wife will behave like your mother as she ages.  

‘They don’t get along because they are so similar and I may even go as far as to say your wife is WORSE than your mother.’

A second person added: ‘After reading your replies and comments about this, sounds like you already took your wife’s side. Your comments are weird and contradictions.

‘You’re saying your mom is a wonderful mom and you were raised in a wonderful family, blah blah blah. But your mom doesn’t like your wife so you cut contact with the family that raised and loved you. I’m glad you did. 

‘They don’t deserve an ungrateful person like you. Go live your life with your perfect wife. You deserve each other. YTA.’

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