New York Fashion Week opened the fashion month dedicated to SS24. The streets of the Big Apple were filled with covetable outfits that perfectly capture what we’ve seen on recent catwalks from the likes of Sandy Liang and Proenza Schouler: a return to a certain bitchy femininity on the one hand, and a search for a cleaner and more minimalist, quiet luxury aesthetic on the other. On the beauty side, the braids and bows triumph, appearing not only on the dresses but also in the hair, becoming a kind of super-sweet statement. The make-up? The faces of the parade participants are clean, with a focus on the eyes, thanks to the graphic cat eyes. Colour-wise, the classic dualism of black and white returns, with hints of red, yellow and blue. When it comes to accessories, sunglasses, white socks and mini bags in various colours and materials – from leather to canvas to the popular crocodile – are still a must-have.
To find out which are the best accessories and beauty looks seen by the nss G-Club during New York Fashion Week SS24, scroll through the gallery above.