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  • Season 2 of The Finals will introduce new gadgets like the Gateway and Data Reshaper for unique gameplay opportunities, along with other features.
  • Updates aim to keep players engaged with new challenges like the western-themed Smoking Guns event and fresh content.
  • Embark Studios has been listening to player feedback and continues to innovate, promising to “change the game forever” in Season 2.

The Season 2 trailer of The Finals is out, in which brand-new gadgets, a new gameplay mode, and even more are shown off. Released in December 2023, The Finals was met with warm reception for its tight gameplay and slick design while iterating on the team-based first-person shooter genre. With these strengths, The Finals aims to distinguish itself from other co-op PvP video games.

The free-to-play game offers an emphasis on environmental manipulation as a means of strategy, an organic way to provide unique advantages in gameplay. A recent update included Smoking Guns, a western-themed event, new community challenges, and more. Developer Embark Studious appears intent on supplying a steady flow of fixes and updates to keep the game balanced and community entertained.


The Finals Is Making Changes to One Overpowered Ability

In response to fan complaints, a developer from Embark Studios confirms changes are coming for an overpowered ability in The Finals.

The Finals has plenty of competition, but these changes are targeting player attention. The Season 2 trailer begins with the introduction of a group named CNS, who has hacked the show that the game’s premise is set in. CNS expands the game’s lore while shifting the status quo through several changes to the flow of gameplay. Reveals include the Gateway, a gadget that warps players to different locations; the Data Reshaper, an item that swaps out items on the field, shown changing a turret into a harmless sign; the Dematerializer, which can break down structures instantly; and the Anti Gravity Cube, thrown like a grenade, which reverses gravity. A new 5v5 game mode called Power Shift is shown, where players fight over control points much in the style of King of the Hill matches in other first-person shooter games. Additionally, Season 2 comes with the introduction of private matches.

Season 2 of The Finals promises to “change the game forever.” Alongside the featured gameplay changes, this update includes a new map and weapons, and changes to the Career Circuit and ranking system. It appears that Embark Studios has listened to player feedback and applied thoughtful consideration in its updates. Season 2 of The Finals tackles finding fresh new content to feed into its live service model while continuing to provide a service unique enough to keep players coming back.

Season 2 of The Finals Brings Gameplay Changes

  • Gadgets
    • Gateway
    • Data Reshaper
    • Dematerializer
    • Anti Gravity Cube
  • Weapons
    • 93R burst-fire machine pistol for light class
    • FAMAS burst assault rifle for medium class
    • KS-23 slug shotgun for heavy class
  • “Power Shift” 5v5 mode
  • New map
  • Career Circuit changes
  • Ranking system changes

Overall reception appears enthusiastic. Players are excited at the thought that The Finals is innovating and improving instead of stagnating. It seems that fans are looking forward to a potential increase in the player base, hoping that the changes will bring in enough fresh competition to add more life to the community. Season 2 of The Finals releases March 14.

the finals

The Finals

December 8, 2023

Embark Studios

Embark Studios

Online Multiplayer

T For Teen Due To Violence

Platforms That Support Crossplay
PC, PS5 & Xbox Series X|S

PS Plus Availability

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