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Bailee Adoptable Dog


Meet Bailee! Bailee recently graduated from our P.A.C.K. Program, a 9-week intensive program for routine obedience, agility, and handling training with a prison inmate trainer, and she is almost ready to show off her new skills! Bailee is a confident girl who has an awesome outlook on life. She is full of happy energy and likes to be with her person. She loves affection from anyone who is willing to give it. If someone gave her at least one ‘belly rub’ a day, she’d be in heaven! If you allow it, she would love nothing more than to cuddle in bed with you. Bailee gets along with other dogs. She just gets a but intense at times. She tends to have a play growl and herds the other dogs sometimes. But overall, she is a great player. She enjoys a good game of chase. One thing Bailee doesn’t seem to love is her crate. She is doing so much better than when she started off. She’ll still need help with it from time to time. She just whines quite a bit. She may not be the best fit for an apartment, where she may get a noise complaint if left too long. When we first tested Bailee, she seemed to be fine with cats! With supervision and slow introductions, she should be okay living with them. Apply today and give her a chance to win over your heart!

Brussel Sprouts Adoptable Dog

Brussel Sprouts

Brussel Sprouts is brand new, so we are still learning about her. But we do know for sure that she is super spunky and fun! She has a great personality she is letting show a little at a time. She was at a very overpopulated shelter for months on end, so it’s understandable that she’s taking a bit to settle.

Timber Adoptable Dog


Do you have a fenced in yard for a pup to frolic?

Do you like dogs that cuddle? Do you have love in your heart for someone else? If you answered yes to the above questions, Timber may be for you! Timber has had a rough past life but is looking for a new home. His history before us is a bit blurry, but he has some very kind people who took him in. They love him but realize he would be happiest in a home with a yard to romp around in, and a home without indoor kitties. He loves kids and enjoys being around them. He tends to do fine with other dogs but can take a little time to feel ok around them. We will have him meet any potential new fur siblings before adoption. Timber is house trained and does fine in the room when his humans leave. He has some issues in a kennel, so he’d prefer not to be in one. He has some mild anxiety and fear about car rides. He just prefers to stay stationary, not in a moving vehicle. This sweet handsome boy is ready to leave his past behind him and start a new! Apply to adopt him today.

Minerva Adoptable Cat


Minerva has very clear boundaries, she only wants to be pet on her terms and would like a few hours every day to be alone. She does fine with dogs. She is a bit indecisive if she is going to like other kitty cats.

Minerva lived with children before she came to us without any issues, but while in our care has set very clear boundaries. When you go past the boundary she does lash out. She is sweet as long as you know when she’s had enough. Maybe you can offer this chunky gal a home that meets these requirements? Come meet Minerva, today!

Beefcake Butch Adoptable Cat

Beefcake Butch

Beefcake Butch is a big boy. He is a large cat both in size and weight. He is pretty friendly but can get a little fussy if over stimulated. You’ll want to keep pets nice and gentle with him. B.B. is ready to go home with you! Maybe you need a big strong cat around the house to help you lift heavy objects, intimidate nosey neighbors, or provide a calm reassuring presence in the face of danger. At the very least he will always be willing to give cuddles. Apply to meet him today.

Smoosh Adoptable Cat


Smoosh was surrendered with her Bestie, Peach. She prefers that she and Peach are the only cat queens in your life. These two are bonded and we recommend they be adopted together. Smoosh is definitely the cautious one, she watches and waits. When Peach finally takes a rest from hogging all the attention, Smoosh steps in for love and chin scratches. She loves to cuddle and could spend all day sitting in your lap. They came to us full of mats and are scheduled for a sedated groom to get rid of the nasty tangles. Stop in to meet her and Peach today!

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