A Reddit user who angered a sibling after buying the sister’s child a dog toy as a replacement stuffed animal did nothing wrong, other users on the platform pronounced.
“AITA? I bought a non-traditional toy for my niece,” said Reddit user “Solid-Feature-7678” in a recent post on Reddit’s “Am I the A–hole” subreddit.
In the post, the individual said the toddler niece “had this lamb toy that she loved” — but that she tends to be pretty rough with her toys.
“The poor little fluffball has gone to stuffed animal heaven,” said the poster on the thread, not specifying a particular gender.
The niece was “heartbroken” over the loss of her beloved toy, apparently — so Solid-Feature-7678 decided to buy her a new one.
“All of the stuffed lambs that I looked at were just as fragile as before, but when I was getting some treats for my pooch I was struck by the sight of a lamb chop dog toy,” wrote Solid-Feature-7678.
The person added, “I had a brilliant idea.”
Since the toy was “made to be chewed on and clawed on,” Solid-Feature-7678 figured “it should be able to handle [any] abuse from a toddler.”
The person continued, “So I bought it and on Saturday I was watching my niece for my sister and [brother-in-law]. I gave my niece the toy and she loved it.”
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The toy had a squeaker, something the niece “really liked,” said the original poster.
The child’s mother, however, was less than thrilled with the gift.
“My sister completely [lost it],” wrote the person on Reddit.
“You bought my baby a dog toy!” the sister apparently began screaming.
Afterward, Solid-Feature-7678’s sister sent the Reddit poster a series of texts criticizing the gift, “along with some choice expletives thrown in for good measure.”
The rest of the family was reportedly divided about the gift, with the poster’s mother saying it was not appropriate, while a stepfather and stepbrother found it “funny as hell.”
The “[brother-in-law] is quietly amused, but is keeping his head down,” said Solid-Feature-7678.
Meanwhile, the young niece is apparently smitten with the new toy.
“My sister took the [toy] away and my niece had a meltdown until she gave it back, so now I am getting the double stink eye from her,” wrote Solid-Feature-7678.
“And my niece still loves her Fluffball.”
The person asked others, “So AITA? I was just trying to make my niece happy.”
Fox News Digital reached out to the Reddit poster for any updates or additional information about the situation.
On the AITA subreddit, people can reply to posts and indicate the poster is “NTA” (“Not the A–hole”), “YTA” (“You’re the A–hole”), “NAH” (“No A–holes Here”) or “ESH” (“Everyone Sucks Here”).
Users can “upvote” responses they think are helpful and “downvote” the ones that are not.
In the hundreds of replies to the post, most Reddit users agreed that Solid-Feature-7678 was “NTA” – and that the situation was actually quite funny.
“It’s not like it will do her any harm. It might drive the parents crazy with the squeaking. It’s definitely a thinking-outside-the-box solution to please a rough-play toddler,” said Reddit user “Doktor_Seagull” in the top-upvoted comment.
The same user continued, “I’m in the same court as stepfather and stepbrother. This is more funny than outrageous, and will probably make for an excellent family gathering story in [the] future. Your sister needs a better sense of humor.”
“NTA. Toys are toys. It’s not like you suggested that they change her name to Fido, for God’s sake,” said another user in a top comment.
Still another Reddit user admitted to buying a child some dog toys as well.
“NTA. I bought my 2-year-old a caterpillar dog toy at Petsmart today when she asked,” wrote user “No-Independent-433.”
“It only matters if the dog slobbers on it first — otherwise it’s just a toy,” the same user said.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission does not regulate pet toys, said its website.
Fox News Digital reached out to Multipet, the company that produces and sells officially licensed Lamb Chop dog toys.
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