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A Boeing 747-8i, the world’s largest private jet model.
Stephen Brashear/Stringer via Getty Images

  • Cabinet Alberto Pinto is the design firm behind the interior of one of the world’s largest private jets.
  • Owned by a Middle Eastern businessman, this BBJ 747-8i likely costs hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • Designing and implementing the interior of the ultra-luxurious Boeing jet took the firm four years to finish.

The 747-8i Boeing Business Jet, which is a VIP-configured variant of the civilian jumbo plane, is the world’s largest private aircraft in active operation.

The dual-level jumbo takes private flying to the next level as a flying palace capable of traversing time zones in the absolute pinnacle of luxury air travel.

Marketed to governments and the world’s elite, these giant jumbo planes cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

For example, the US government paid about $325 million each for its two specially modified presidential Boeing 747-200B aircraft, more commonly known as Air Force One. 

Famed French interior design firm Cabinet Alberto Pinto was tasked with creating the interior of one multi-million BBJ 747-8i, which was purchased for private use by a Middle Eastern businessman. The list price of the -8i model went for about $400 million, according to the Business Jet Traveler, but the sale cost was undisclosed.

Take a look inside the flying mansion.

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