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The Outstanding rated hospice goes above and beyond for its patients, and this week put out an appeal on its social media appealing for help to fulfil a patient’s dying wish of getting married today, Wednesday, February 28.

Within a few short hours, the response was staggering. The requests were for a a size 4 wedding dress, two bridesmaid dresses and anything else wedding related to help make the day memorable, it didn’t take long to tick off all of these items.

Lynda Finney, Clinical Director said: “We are deeply overwhelmed and grateful to our local community, but not surprised, that they responded in the way that they did.

“Our teams work tirelessly to achieve wishes like this. Thank you to everyone who contacted us to help and to those who simply shared our post. We are so fortunate to have fantastic supporters and an amazing community.”

As a hospice, Willowbrook aim to support patients’ requests and a lot of the time they do this without needing to appeal directly to our community.

However, this is where fundraising also plays its part.

It costs over £5m per year to run Willowbrook Hospice services as they only receive £1.5m from the NHS.

The rest is made from fundraising events, the lottery, hospice shops and through kind donations.

There are a number of ways to help via


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