Last Saturday the final race in the Club Marine Ocean Pointscore was held, the Port Hacking return. The 36 nautical-mile passage race saw the fleet split as some yachts opted to hug the shoreline and other racers sailing a slightly wider course. With the race being run simultaneously as the Act 1 of the Pallas Capital Gold Cup the fleet was joined by ten TP52’s.
The race was run in a 9-16kt SE/E and overcast, drizzly conditions. The fleet made their way down the harbour quickly under Code Zeros and Jib tops. The First non-TP52 out of the Harbour was Michael Smith’s Tempo who was hot on the heels of First Light.
A significant shift in the conditions happened when the fleet was on the return from Port Hacking to the harbour when the breeze backed from the E to the SE. It soon became a game of which yacht could peel the fasted from their Code Zero or Jibtop to a soft sail.
The first boats completed the race in 4 hours and 8 minutes while the smaller yachts managed to finish just within 7 hours.
We would like to thank our sponsor Club Marine for making this series come to life.
Race 8 – Port Hacking Race (full results here)
- Smuggler – TP52 (Sebastian Bohm)
- First Light – TP52 (Peter White)
- Tempo – Kernan 44 (Michael Smith)
- Smuggler – TP52 (Sebastian Bohm)
- First Light – TP52 (Peter White)
- Tempo – Kernan 44 (Michael Smith)
Overall Pointscore Standings (full results here)
- About Time – Neo Roma 430 (Julian Farren-Price)
- Tempo – Kernan 44 (Michael Smith)
- First Light – TP52 (Peter White)
- Tempo – Kernan 44 (Michael Smith)
- Ragtime – J/130 (Steve Watson)
- First Light – TP52 (Peter White)