Benetti upheld nautical tradition with the slide launch of the magnificent Diamond 44M yacht, christened Papa Joe, on March 16th at the historic Viareggio shipyard. The ceremony marked the vessel’s graceful entry into the water, paying homage to maritime customs upheld by Benetti for generations.

Attended by shipyard executives, local dignitaries, and port authorities, the event celebrated the timeless tradition of slide launching, symbolizing the legacy of Benetti’s illustrious history. The distinguished Papa Joe features exquisite external lines by Giorgio Maria Cassetta and opulent interiors meticulously crafted by Benetti’s Interior Style Department.

Captain Brini
As the seventh unit of the Diamond 44M series, Papa Joe will serve as a cherished family retreat for its discerning owner, who collaborated closely with the shipyard to personalize every detail. Reflecting a blend of elegance and sophistication, the yacht boasts spacious accommodations, including five staterooms for up to 12 guests and crew quarters for seven, all meticulously designed for utmost comfort.

The owner’s influence is evident throughout the yacht’s design, with bespoke elements curated to exude an ambiance of tranquility and refinement. From the exquisite rosewood accents to the curated color palette, featuring soft neutrals with subtle pops of color, every aspect reflects the owner’s distinct taste and style.

Featuring luxurious amenities such as an elegant beach area, a spacious garage, and a lavish upper deck with a cinema room and hydromassage pool, Papa Joe offers unparalleled comfort and indulgence for its fortunate guests.
Credits: Benetti