In a momentous occasion at Mulder’s renowned yard in Zoeterwoude, the seventh Mulder ThirtySix, christened Q43, has been successfully launched. This milestone follows a meticulous building period that commenced after the hull’s arrival in April of the previous year. The journey to this launch was initiated when the owners were introduced to Mulder by their esteemed broker Chris Collins of Ocean Independence at the 2022 Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show. Impressed by the craftsmanship and quality, the owners swiftly contracted Q43, leading to a visit to the shipyard in Zoeterwoude.The Mulder ThirtySix series is revered for its intelligent layout, exceptional sailing prowess, and unwavering dedication to superior craftsmanship. With just under 300 gross tons, Q43 is a great example of Mulder’s quality.Following her launch, Q43 will undergo final preparations for upcoming sea trials, with delivery to her proud owners scheduled for May. Designed by Claydon Reeves, the yacht features distinctive elements such as a continuous strip of glazing adorning the hull, culminating in a striking plumb bow, complemented by clean lines, low bulwarks, and a commanding pilothouse.While previous models in the series have boasted impressive amenities like a 15-square-meter beach club and a spacious 75-square-meter sundeck, Q43 offers ample room for customization. With an eight-meter beam and nearly 300GT of volume, the yacht promises comfort and style. Powered by a patented Van Oossanen fast displacement hull form (FDHF), Q43 achieves a maximum speed of 16.8 knots while ensuring enhanced fuel efficiency, reaffirming Mulder’s commitment to innovation and performance.Q43 is, after her delivery, primed to set sail to Norway for exploration before voyaging to the United States. There, she will make her grand debut at the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2024. Mulder Shipyard was established in 1938 by Dirk Mulder. With a Mulder still at its helm, this traditional family business can attribute its excellent reputation to the classic Super Favorite Cruisers, the later Favorite Superieur and a wide range of custom and semi custom motoryachts. Welcoming our newest edition to the Mulder series, the Mulder ThirtySix, in the Summer of 2017, adding yet another Superyacht to the Mulder fleet. Credits: Mulder
March 29, 2024