Finding your signature perfume can be an expensive case of trial and error.
Experimenting feels like a luxury when fragrance costs are soaring and the choice on offer is overwhelming.
It’s tempting to play it safe with a classic – leaving you smelling like everyone else – or to dabble in cheap dupes that don’t last.
As a beauty editor, I’ve amassed a fairly hefty scent collection over the years, yet I’ve still never found The One.
So when I discovered a new service that lets AI create a totally bespoke fragrance based on my personality and scent preferences, I had to give it a go.
Hi-tech perfumery EveryHuman relies on an online quiz to delve into every aspect of your life – from where you grew up to where you go on holiday, whether you are short-tempered or easygoing.
Then an algorithm processes your answers to whip up a personalised perfume that claims to be you, bottled.
‘The questions we ask don’t just tick a box,’ explains EveryHuman founder and CEO Frederik Duerinck.

As a beauty editor, I’ve amassed a fairly hefty scent collection over the years, yet I’ve still never found The One (stock image)
‘Our algorithm can generate over 500 billion fragrances for true customisation. Even we can’t predict what the AI-created aroma will be based upon.’
You’d expect a hefty price tag for such a highly personalised service, but, surprisingly, it’s available for just £45 through The Fragrance Shop. So, can a computer really create the perfume I’ve been searching for my whole life?
EveryHuman’s online quiz is much more detailed than I expected. Yes, there are questions about the kind of scents I’m drawn to (warm, sophisticated, nuzzly – no florals), but they also go into forensic detail about my personality – asking whether I’m talkative or can be rude; whether I’m reliable at work or a risk-taker.
I was also asked what clothes I usually wear, what colours I’m drawn to and how I see myself; whether I grew up in the suburbs or the countryside; and where I live now.
Ten minutes and £45 later, it was then up to AI to analyse my answers and blend three different bespoke scents, which are then sent to me as 5ml samples.
Essentially, AI learns what you like from your answers, then instructs a huge machine that looks like something from a mad scientist’s lab to blend your three samples from more than 50 bottled fragrance ‘accords’.
An accord is the combination of notes that create a perfume’s unique fragrance profile. Some are more recognisable, classic fragrance notes – think jasmine, sandalwood or rose – but others are more conceptual, like ‘metallic’, designed to make your scent more mineral or ‘oxygen’.
Each fragrance is whipped up in just two minutes.

Ten minutes and £45 later, it was then up to AI to analyse my answers and blend three different bespoke scents (stock image)

An algorithm processes your answers to whip up a personalised perfume that claims to be you, bottled (stock image)
If I liked any, I could then order a full-size bottle, starting at £60 for 30ml. With many high-end fragrance brands charging upwards of £150 for a 50ml bottle, this seemed good value for a truly unique scent – providing I liked any of them, of course.
The verdict
I was actually pleasantly surprised. I found the first fragrance quite heady and a little cloying to start with, but half an hour later, I couldn’t stop sniffing my wrist.
The scent was warm and inviting, a slightly more gourmand scent than I would usually go for, but not sugary. Think a slightly nutty, burnt caramel rather than vanilla.
The burnt caramel notes were complemented by a rich amber middle note and resinous, leathery base that kept the whole scent grounded without it being overpowering. It was light enough to wear during the day, but still glamorous.
The second fragrance was a more intense version of the first, and I’d wear that more during the evening. Both were sophisticated, complex and had a unique ‘catch’ on the nose that made them stand out – all big box-tickers for me.
Yet the final fragrance was a different story – peppery and spicy, it reminded me of the smell I get every time I open my kitchen spice drawer. Still, two out of three ‘wins’ felt like an impressive result.

I found the first fragrance quite heady and a little cloying to start with, but half an hour later, I couldn’t stop sniffing my wrist (stock image)
Better still, I discovered it’s possible to ‘tweak’ your scent online. You can simply log back on and manually alter the percentages of the different notes.
For instance, if your scent feels too floral, you could reduce the percentage of floral notes such as rose or jasmine.
What I genuinely loved about this concept is that the two fragrances I liked best are a departure from anything I’ve worn before – they smelled unique and special.
And I would order a full-size bottle of the first because I’ve had compliments, and even been asked three times where I got it from.
For anyone stuck in a fragrance rut, this could be a gamechanger and, at the very least, you might relish the chance to experiment without spending hundreds of pounds.
I’m still stunned the computer got it so right. I hate to admit it, but perhaps AI knows what I like better than I do.
- Visit tocreate your fragrance.