Women’s accessories shop Buckles and Bows was among the first to open its doors in Bourne as non-essential shops reopened today (Monday, June 15).
Many shops in Bourne town centre had signs up declaring they were “excited” to reopen – but not until 10am.
Located in The Angel Precinct, Buckles and Bows was open bright and early at 9am though, selling women’s footwear, handbags, jewellery and other accessories.

Shop owner Amanda Foster said: “It’s nice to have the shop doors back open although it is very different.
“We’ve been doing click and collect orders through the website which has enabled us to keep going and it’s meant that I have still been able to see my regular customers, which has been good.”
Amanda predicted there would be some “nervousness” around shoppers returning to town centres, adding: “It’s just going to be a cause of getting used to the new normal. I’m sure people will follow the Government guidelines.”

In her shop, there is hand sanitiser at the door and a one-way system around the shop. A plastic screen is at the till and there is markers on the floor outside for a queue.
Only one size of each shoe style is on display with Amanda spraying the shoes regularly. Any items of clothing, such as scarves, have to go into “quarantine” if they’re touched by customers but not bought.
Amanda wasn’t too worried that the town centre was quiet though, saying: “It’s quite often quiet on a Monday morning and I’m sure with the children not being back at school yet, people are just not getting up as early.”

She is running a clearance sale, both to entice shoppers back into the store and to clear stock.
Is your business reopening today? E-mail details to: smeditor@stamfordmercury.co.uk
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