Amazing Spider-Man
#656 reveals that Peter Parker’s spider-sense is crucial to more than just his webslinging, and fighting abilities – it is also an important part of how his technology, including his spider-trackers, works. - Without his spider-sense, Peter was left unable to use his tracker tech, resulting in a villain getting away from him.
- Peter Parker’s over-reliance on his powers and technology can leave him vulnerable, as highlighted in
Amazing Spider-Man
#656; unlike other heroes who substitute tech for powers, Spider-Man ties his tech to his powers, which can be both a positive and a negative.
One of Spider-Man’s most crucial abilities is his iconic spider-sense – and while it is certainly a great power, he has at times proved to be over-reliant on it at times during the years. As a hero, Peter Parker is best known for mixing technology and superpowers, but as one issue of Amazing Spider-Man made clear, he intertwines the two in a way that can leave him vulnerable.
The Amazing Spider-Man #656 – by Dan Slott, Marcos Martin, Joe Caramagna, and Muntsa Vicente – finds Peter dealing with the loss of his spider-sense, following a major battle with the Spider-Slayers. He discovers this when a flying piece of shrapnel hits him in the head, without his senses’ usual warning.
While Peter’s spider-sense is obviously critical to his ability to websling, as the issue reveals, it is also essential to the operation of his other technology as well, including his spider-tracers.

Spider-Man Has Another Secret Form of ‘Spider-Sense’
Spider-Man can detect nearly any threat with his spider-sense, but a recent comic implies he has another form of ESP for the supernatural.
Spider-Sense Is Instrumental For Making Sure Web-Swinging Works
Amazing Spider-Man
#656 revealed he keyed his spider-tracer technology to his spider-sense. Without spider-sense, he couldn’t feel where the tracers were, causing him to completely lose pursuit of a villain.
Spider-Man’s spider-sense is arguably just as iconic as his webs, and he gets far more use out of it than people think. His spider-sense alerts him to any danger in his surroundings, even non-physical danger, such as taking his mask off while someone is watching him. It allows him to dodge almost any attack thrown at him, including evading bullets. It’s a truly astounding power and, over the years, Peter has relied heavily on it while fighting criminals. As a result, the temporary loss of his spider-sense in Amazing Spider-Man #656 highlighted how this over-reliance could be a significant problem.
After losing his spider-sense in Amazing Spider-Man #656, Peter was barely able to swing through New York without crashing into things. The issue also revealed he keyed his spider-tracer technology to his spider-sense. Without spider-sense, he couldn’t feel where the tracers were, causing him to completely lose pursuit of a villain. It might be hard to blame Peter for becoming dependent on such a major power, but this wasn’t the first time he lost his powers. Peter really should’ve known better than to build his technology around a sense that can be disrupted.
Without Spider-Sense, Spider-Man’s Effectiveness As A Hero Is Drastically Reduced
While Peter Parker is also a brilliant inventor, he ended up relying too heavily on his superpowers. Instead of using his inventions to supplement his powers, he made technology that required his powers.
One of the things that makes heroes like Batman and Iron Man so enduring is the fact they’re heroes entirely due to their own making. They have inventions that they can use on their own, and when deprived of them, they always come up with another solution. While Peter Parker is also a brilliant inventor, he ended up relying too heavily on his superpowers. Instead of using his inventions to supplement his powers, he made technology that required his powers. This resulted in Spider-Man failing to catch the bad guy in Amazing Spider-Man #656, all because his tech doesn’t work with out spider-sense.