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A WARNING has been issued to all drivers who accessorise their car that they could risk a £1,000 fine – don’t be caught out.

While they may look fancier than generic motor interior fittings, steering wheel and gear stick covers are just two of the additions you should re-think.

If the airbags were to deploy, gemstones could cause serious injury to your faceCredit: Getty

As well as dividing opinion, these accessories could also land you in hot water with the law.

To avoid being fined up to £1,000 and risk 11 points on your licence, take into consideration the following.


A lot of drivers hang air fresheners from the mirror, whether it’s because you’re throwing sweaty gym kits on the front seat or leaving takeaway wrappers in the footwell.

Or maybe you just enjoy a fresh smelling vehicle – but these products could be illegal.

If it is decided the item is obstructing your view or distracting the driver, it is in violation of the Highway Code.

Due to the TikTok #decoratemycar trends, some of these sweet smelling additions are becoming larger than life and could be posing risk.

“Windscreens and windows must be kept clean and free from obstructions to vision”, as per the Highway Code.

The penalty for this driving offence is a fine of up to £1,000 or three points on your licence.


An increasingly popular car decoration is Diamante gemstones stuck along the dashboard.

Motorists are even gluing them to air vents and steering wheels to spice up the interior.

But from a health and safety point of view this trend is concerning.

If the airbags were to deploy, gemstones could cause serious injury to your face.

It also makes the vehicle easy to track, and will indicate to many car thieves the vehicle is owned by a woman.

Unfortunately, this often makes criminals believe it will be an easier target.

The Highway Code states bedazzling or modifying your car in this way could be seen as “careless and inconsiderate driving” in the eyes of the law.

This is because it could distract you or other drivers – and risks and unlimited fine, and/or discretionary disqualification, or three to nine points in the licence.


Other modifications becoming popular now are steering wheel, gear shift and handbrake covers.

They’re often cute and fluffy – but this material sparked controversy due to safety.

It begged the question – can drivers maintain a proper grip on the wheel, gear stick and handbrake in an emergency.

The Highway Code would deem it dangerous driving if you lost control due to slippery grip, and could see you license being slapped with a whopping 11 points.


Most of us have been guilty of taking something to our car, forgetting to take it out, and then bringing the same item back in again on our next journey.

And so the cycle continues until we have five hand creams, two bottles of sun cream and a rogue air freshener.

But some Brits also deliberately keep their beauty and cleaning products in their car at all times.

However, storing these items in the car during summer months could actually make them less effective.

Changes in temperature and exposure to sunlight can break down ingredients and alter a products’ chemical make-up.

So if you do wish to keep them in your car, use the glove compartment.

This comes as a car mechanic shares the vital live-saving feature parents forget about when driving.

Plus, read up on UK laws pertaining to children in cars – don’t get caught out.

And, a warning to motorists has been issued as new Highway Code rules and driving laws this month could land you with fines and penalty points.

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