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What comes to mind when contemplating private jets? Images of luxury, bottles of bubbles, angry environmental protests? For many, the private jet sector evokes notions of elitism and environmental harm, but such perceptions are becoming outdated in the industry’s dynamic landscape we see today.

While private jets will likely always stay in the firing line of contention, it’s important to acknowledge the industry’s ongoing evolution. Beyond environmental concerns, there’s a concerted effort towards cost-efficiency, accessibility and adaptability to customer needs, and integration of cutting-edge technology.

Let’s delve into insights from our experts…


Our Panel Of Experts


  • Andrew Waters, Head of Commercial for OXCCU
  • Phil Tanthatsawat, Head of Aviation at Signol
  • Matthew Stone, Chairman of Renovare Fuels


Andrew Waters, Head of Commercial for OXCCU


andrew waters


“The private jet industry has the same onus as the rest of the aviation sector; to decarbonise to meet the requirements of a Net Zero world, and there is increasing pressure for it to do so, given the ability and willingness of the customers to pay. Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is still likely to be the preferred solution given the existing fleet, infrastructure, and their range.

SAF being a drop-in replacement, reduces the burden on industry to make significant upgrades to planes and infrastructure. The smaller private jet airports are unlikely to want to upgrade infrastructure, for example, refuelling technologies, to accept anything other than SAF.

The key to getting SAF is cost and this is where OXCCU’s one-step process comes in. Our innovative process results in a more cost-effective and decarbonised alternative to fossil-based Jet A fuel for private and commercial air travel.

Work in collaboration with leading researchers at Imperial College London, found that our novel one-step process reduces the capital cost by 50%, demonstrating a tangible solution to address sustainability goals in the private jet industry.”

Phil Tanthatsawat, Head of Aviation at Signol


Phil Tanthatsawat


“Before the pandemic, the private jet industry experienced steady expansion driven by escalating luxury travel demand. However, the onset of the pandemic brought about a profound change; with minimal flights operating, it allowed for a remarkable environmental recovery, emphasising the urgent need for sustainability measures within the industry in order to continue meeting the demand for private jets while reducing emissions.

“With the sector quickly rebounding after the pandemic as travellers seek safer alternatives to flying alongside hundreds of other passengers, emissions are an increasing concern which requires strategic solutions. The industry’s future hinges on technological advancements, shifting consumer preferences, and regulatory changes.

“The emergence of urban air mobility (UAM), particularly electrically powered urban aircraft, highlights how technological advancements offer opportunities to reduce emissions directly – by lowering the use of fossil fuels – while also creating more sustainable behaviour and infrastructure by reshaping transportation preferences and market dynamics.

“Behaviour change can also address environmental concerns within the private jet industry at a deeper level through harnessing the opportunity for pilots themselves to make more sustainable operational decisions.

“By understanding and motivating more sustainable pilot behaviour during flights, operators can promote the adoption of carbon-reducing practices like efficient engine usage. Strategies such as education, goal setting, incentives, and fostering a positive culture can inspire pilots to embrace eco-friendly behaviours.

“As the industry evolves amidst changing landscapes and technological innovations, its commitment to safety, luxury, and sustainability remains paramount. By embracing sustainable practices, the private jet industry can forge a path towards a greener future while continuing to adapt and thrive.”


Matthew Stone, Chairman of Renovare Fuels


matthew stone


“The aviation industry faces some of the largest barriers to achieving net zero and while significant developments are being made in other sectors, we must continue developing sustainable, long-term solutions for air travel to meet our climate ambitions.

“Sustainable aviation fuels – such as advanced renewable biofuels – have a major role to play in supporting a practical transition to net zero across the private jet industry. Cutting-edge technology, like ours, sees emission reductions of up to 97 per cent, with a patented process of biogas produced by landfills and digesters converted into liquid biofuels.

“Green technology innovators like Renovare Fuels are working closely with multinational aviation corporations to scale up the production of these sustainable fuels. However, advanced renewable biofuels should also be complemented by carbon offsetting and investing in more fuel-efficient aircraft, which has the added benefit of reducing long-term operating costs.

“Renovare Fuels have just announced a landmark £9m investment in Northern Ireland, with the site set to produce some 2 million litres of sustainable biofuels each year. This shows by putting continuous innovation at the centre of our sustainability drive, we can secure a more sustainable future for the private jet industry for years to come.”


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