“My father-in-law made a bonkers speech about how he didn’t know much about me and that it would be difficult to get to know me because my husband and I dated for a short time. (He never made an effort to get to know me in the seven months before our wedding) He also mentioned how great his relationship was with my husband’s ex-wife because she was ‘easier to convince’ to do things. Two days later, he blew up in our hotel room (we had a destination wedding, and my three stepkids kids were in the room as well) about how we relied on our original plans, which he changed, to make additional plans. It was wild, and we didn’t talk to him for months after the wedding.”
“We found out later that he refused to take his medication to our wedding, which was 5,000 miles away from home. Four months later, we found out we were expecting, and I had a very frank conversation about my expectations of him and how I’d bar him from ever seeing our kids if he didn’t get psychological help. Our relationship is rocky, and I very much dislike him. I don’t trust him with my children, and I never ever will. He marred our otherwise beautiful wedding with his BS.”
—30, Pennsylvania