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According to his memoir Spare, Prince Harry had a specific request for Prince William the night before he married Meghan Markle – but he claims that his older brothers response was not what he was expecting

Prince William and Prince Harry the night before Harry and Meghan’s wedding(Getty Images)

On this day six years ago, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were gearing up for one of the most special days of their lives – their fifth wedding anniversary.

It was back in May 2018 that they tied the knot in a fairytale wedding at St George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle. Since then, their lives have taken a very different path from what would have been expected – with the couple quitting royal life for California while Harry is barely on speaking terms with his older brother Prince William.

But just six years ago, on May 19, 2018, William stood by his brother’s side as he welcomed bride Meghan down the aisle before saying ‘I do’. However, the night before the nuptials, Harry has since revealed he was left “feeling sick” following a tense chat with the now Prince of Wales.

The two brothers on Harry’s wedding day(AFP/Getty Images)

In his memoir Spare, Harry recalls having drinks with friends at Coworth Park Hotel, where he stayed the night before his big day at Windsor Castle. He claimed William, who had just become a dad for the third time, had been due to join them but he cancelled at the “last minute” citing “Kate and the kids”.

He then goes on to say that he reminded William that it was their tradition as the night before William’s wedding, the pair had dinner together ahead of greeting the crowds. Harry claims William asked: “Why are you even saying hello to the crowds, Harold?” To which Harry in response admitted in the book: “I felt sick about it.”

However, Harry did concede that William eventually changed his mind about greeting the crowds and did agree to join his brother, as the Duke of Sussex wondered: “Maybe Granny intervened”. Harry says he pressed William about having dinner together and staying the night – and eventually, he relented and agreed to dinner, but wouldn’t be staying over, reportedly telling his brother “Sorry, Harold. Can’t. Kids.”

Harry and Meghan five years ago on their wedding day(AFP via Getty Images)

Harry’s relationship with his brother since that day has gone from bad to worse as the rift between them widen and a flashpoint came when Harry released his memoir in January 2023. In the book, he reveals how he and William came to blows during an argument at Kensington Palace and how Meghan ended up at loggerheads with the Princess of Wales.

Since the late Queen’s funeral, the two brothers have only been in the same room once, at the Coronation of King Charles, and on Harry’s latest visit to the UK last week, there was no meet up between them. An insider said of Harry’s snub to William: “Their relationship remains extremely fractured. Harry has privately expressed a wish to sit down with his brother but now is not the time.”

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