Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani are set to tie the knot on Wednesday. As per a report by India Today, their pheras will take place in the afternoon at ITC Grand South Goa in the presence of friends and family, and the couple will post pictures from the wedding soon after the ceremony. As per the report, Rakul Preet and Jackky will have two wedding ceremonies. Also read | Rakul Preet Singh-Jackky Bhagnani wedding: Baraatis Ayushmann Khurrana, Arjun Kapoor, Shilpa Shetty land in Goa
Rakul Preet Singh-Jackky Bhagnani wedding day
A source close to the couple told the portal, “Rakul Preet Singh’s ‘Chuddha’ ceremony is scheduled for the morning. Then the couple will take the saath pheras after 3.30 pm at the ITC Grand South Goa. Rakul and Jackky will have two wedding ceremonies: Anand Karaj and a Sindhi-style ceremony, reflecting both their cultures. The choice of an early evening wedding reflects the couple’s desire for a bright and cheerful start to their marital journey.”
“After the wedding, the newlyweds will host an after-party for all the guests. Close friends and family will join the couple in celebrating this joyous occasion,” the source added.
Rakul Preet and Jackky pre-wedding functions
Their pre-wedding festivities began in Goa with a haldi ceremony. On Tuesday, Rakul Preet Singh and Jackky Bhagnani had their mehendi and sangeet functions that had special performances from their friends and family. At the sangeet, actor Varun Dhawan reportedly danced to Husn Hai Suhana from Coolie No 1, while Shilpa Shetty also performed at the sangeet.
As per a recent HT City report, Rakul Preet and Jackky planned to make their three-day functions in Goa as eco-friendly as possible. “No physical invites have been sent by the couple and their family. Also, no crackers will be burst at any point,” a source had said.
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