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The home secretary has sacked the immigration and borders inspector after he claimed thousands were arriving on private jets without passport checks

Britain’s top immigration officer has been sacked after a claims the UK Border Force failed to check hundreds of private jets arriving at London City airport.

David Neal was fired after he “breached” the terms of his appointment, according to the Home Office.

The immigration minister Tom Pursglove said the Home Office “categorically rejects” the claims.

Responding to an urgent question from Labour in the Commons, Mr Pursglove said: “When it comes to the questions that she raises around these flights at London City airport and the information that has been put in the public domain, the Home Office categorically rejects these claims by David Neal.”

Labour branded the move “total Tory chaos on borders and immigrations”.

Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said ministers had been “repeatedly warned about border security risks on private flights.”

She added: “The prime minister may just think it’s all his own mates, but there are real risks from organised crime, money laundering, drugs, weapons smuggling, trafficking and even terrorism.”

Mr Pursglove insisted Border Force performed “checks on 100% of scheduled passengers arriving in the UK and risk-based intelligence-led checks on general aviation.”

He added: “Mr Neal was made aware of a specific issue in the recording of data at London City airport which meant that a large proportion of flights recorded as high-risk should have been reclassified as low-risk, and it’s disappointing that he’s chosen to put misleading data into the public domain.”

A Home Office spokesman said in a statement: “We have terminated the appointment of David Neal, the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, after he breached the terms of appointment and lost the confidence of the Home Secretary.

“The planned recruitment process for the next Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration is in progress.”

Mr Neal, whose tenure was due to end on March 21, said it was too soon to comment on the decision when contacted by the PA news agency.

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