The groom was snapped standing at the altar with his bride, with both parties in the couple looking flawless and well-manicured.
But one Reddit user pointed out the groom war wearing black Crocs and black socks so it all blended in.

“Imagine you get ready for three hours and your groom shows up in Crocs,” the social media user said.
Surprisingly, social media users who are typically quick to call out wedding faux pas, came out in droves to defend the man’s footwear choice.
“I hope it’s an inside joke between the two of them and she’s also wearing crocs? I can’t see her feet so idk,” one social media user said.
Another added: “He probably has an injured foot or broken toe. He’s perfectly groomed (a pun) otherwise and obviously tried to camouflage his socks and crocs with his attire.”
“My fiance and I get married in November. He’s wearing Vans and I’m wearing high top Converses lol! We wanted to be comfy! My aunt is also embroidering a cute blue flower and our wedding date onto my shoe,” another said.

One social media user commented: “I wore flip flops under my dress. I hate heels with a passion.”
“I get plantar fasciitis and just wearing Crocs around the house and on dog walks really helps. The other big change I made was no more cheap shoes for work, even if they’re cute, and figuring out how to sit more at work,” another commented.
One shared that they wore slippers to their wedding.
“They were white beaded slippers so if they peeked out it was all good but sooooo much more comfortable than any dress shoe and my husband is only two inches taller than me so heals and wedding pictures was a no go,” the social media user said.
Another added: “Let the man get married in something comfortable. My wife could have shown up in a potato sack barefoot for all I cared, she is there to marry me, not for a fashion show.”