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Spinnakers flew as the fleet made its way back across the bay towards Salamander. Photo: Marian Sampson.

THE Port Stephens Yacht Club annual teams race day was held over the weekend, with teams competing to take out the coveted Peter Collins Memorial trophy and prizes.

Yachts of all shapes and sizes were drawn into teams to compete in two races.

One race ran from a start line at Soldiers Point to the ‘Wedding Cake’ marker near the mouth of the Myall River and back.

The second race also trekked to the mouth of the Myall twice and through Salamander Bay.

The winds at the beginning of the day were reasonably light but strengthened later, with spinnakers flying on the downwind legs.

The annual teams race was the concept of local residents and past members Kay Barnes and Peter Collins.

Port Stephens Yacht Club Vice President Richard Kerr told News Of The Area, “It was a pretty good day of competition.

“It is these past members’ commitment that makes us place such importance on this event and we try very hard to make it a good one.“

Race starter and long time volunteer of the club Heather Atkins said, “Peter and Kaye both worked tirelessly for the club.”

“The boats on the water couldn’t participate in the races without our race starters and the caravan crew.”

The winners of the teams event were the blue team comprising the trimaran Chilli II, the catamaran Subzero and the monohull Sher Khan.


The fleet at the start of the sprint to the mark at the mouth of the Myall River. Photo: Marian Sampson.

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